Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where is the USA going to compete?

Now that the Bush Dynasty has robbed the USA treasury and exported all the monies to China, so it can throw $100 billion into a 'deal' with HP to produce products in Taiwan, where is the USA going to compete?

What products is the USA going to manufacture that will compete in a global economy with countries that treat their labor like chattel and ship goods everywhere regardless of the issues of carbon dioxide emissions?

The USA has to  'reclaim' its economy and stop allowing Third World treatment of people THAT ARE NOW DOING THEIR JOBS !!!!

The reason the Plutocracy is so VILE, is because of their practices.  They not only robbed the USA of every dime they could find, they moved their production plants to countries where people are paid subsistence wages IF THEY ARE LUCKY. 

And USA consumers actually purchase those products.  Without a thought to the conditions the people in other countries are 'surviving' in, we simply purchase them. 

I don't.

I make sure everything I purchase is made in a country where citizens are regarded as important and vital to their country's interest.

I want people to consider what they are doing.  Purchasing merchandise from China 'empowers' China to build more weapons and expand its influence.  Do you want China's influence globally or that democracy and peace?  Do you want citizens to be regarded as important to their countries or simple 'laborers' that produce an income to the treasury? 

Where have Americans put their morality, "on the shelf?"  When it comes to purchasing 'cheap' goods and food, where is the pride in that? 

Wait.  Let me guess.  It is okay to purchase cheap goods, but, expect them to be COMPLETELY safe as if there were inspectors to ENFORCE laws that make producers care.

So, purchasing 'cheap eggs' and getting samonella in them isn't to be expected when one is paying absolutely nothing for them to begin with?  Is that right?

I've never had a problem with the eggs I purchase because they are either raised locally from 'range fed' chickens or purchased from 'moral content' producers that carry pride in their products and put it on the carton.  "THESE CHICKENS WERE NOT CAGED."

You know.  All that 'hippy' stuff.