Friday, September 10, 2010

That is "My Barak."

President Obama in his eightth news conference sounded like the President we elected.  Quite frankly, until lately, it sounded as though he had been shanghaied by OLD agendas that were set up by the previous administration to undermine the change he pledged to achieve.

I listened to the entire news conference as I am sure many others did.  He was focused on answering every question with truth and honest information.  There was little opinions from him.  He informed the people of the facts he is faced with and the loyality he has to our USA Constitution and cultures.

There has been silly words used to describe the news conference in that it was 'boring.'  Well, too bad and it may be that 'dry material' is more refreshing to many of us than anyone can know.  There were observations that he exhibited 'passion' on some issues.  Those issues are probably the ones he cares about deeply while he is still saddled with unresolved 'old Bush/Cheney baggage.'

INFOTAINMENT is not about governing. 

No matter.  I thought I heard my President, the President I voted for, once again and he sounded wonderful.

I trust President Obama.