Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Remember in November" that "Gerald Jack" deliberately plotted against the American people in his 'ad' regarding taxes.

Mr. Jack is CEO of the American Petroleum Institute.  In the most recent ad to 'effect' elections in November he uses extremely deceptive tactics that uses the words of 'Tea Party' and "Republcian' candidates to 'PROTEST' taxes placed on the oil industry to fund research in how to handle their negligence of their own practices.
If you click the title to this entry it will take you to the American Petroleum Industries 'ad page.'  On that page people say that taxing oil and natural gas will destroy economy and prolong recessions.  It goes on to not only PROTEST taxes on oil and natural gas, it goes on to say ANY and ALL taxes should never be raised as it will destroy the economy and prolong a recession.
This is a Plutocratic motive, in mockery of our political system, by a CEO to feed "The Culture of Fear" that Republicans prefer to facilitate his next bonus.
These ads are immoral and should be regulated. 
Mr. Jack has a tough job.  He actually has to deceive people in order to win a higher pay bonus.
San Bruno Blast Site Is Now A Crime Scene

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Comments: 0

San Bruno Police on Friday confirmed that they were treating the blast site of Thursday’s explosion as a possible crime scene until such time as foul play could be ruled out.
The events of September 9, 2010 have left between 4 and 7 people dead, at least 5 missing and scores injured suffering from minor injuries to serious burns.
San Bruno is a city of around 40 000 in San Mateo County, California, in the United States....