Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ken Arnold, Oil and Gas Consultant has made a mistake. CNN attacks the American citizen and promotes Petroleum Industry standard to exceed the standard of the citizen.

Ken Arnold makes a lot of money from the Petroleum Industy.  (click title to entry - thank you)  He advocated for overriding the 'citizen standard' of the USA by stating the Petroleum Industry KNOWS BEST.

I don't think so.

What does CNN 'follow up' Arnold's appearance with?  Comedy segments.  Hello?

One aspect of this oil rupture in the Gulf that comes to light and why a plutocracy flourishes over the citizen is because the Petroleum Industry 'runs' LOBBYISTS as PR folks such as Ken Arnold.

Basically, the 'citizen standard' is ignored in the "W" economy.  It is 'substituted' for 'be grateful in employment' rather than standards of excellence to PROTECT the citizen from abusive industry infrastructure.

I am not interested in what ARNOLD has to sell.  Thanks, anyway.