Saturday, May 01, 2010

Arizona acted too late. There is no historical basis for the actions of the Arizona legislature.

I am half expecting a version of the Mexican American War to break out.  Or some hideous territorial issue over some ancient issue with a wandering border and the Rio Grande.

The statute also prohibits localities from adopting any policies that allow less than full enforcement of the immigration laws, thus prohibiting so-called sanctuary provisions.

This is all post 911 thinking without any clear evidence to that fact..  

If Arizona had done this when Ronald Reagan passed the last Immigration Reform Bill there probably would be far less of a problem today in every way including the 'War Next Door.'  
Arizona has acted too late, and has acted to enforce a federal law that has been ignored and abandoned since it was signed into law.  As a result the floodgate from Mexico was not only left open but encouraged.  

The Immigration Issue according to Sarah "The Slick" Palin is out of control and is based in hate and fear.  The Arizona law is trying to put a finger in the dike of a 25 year old crack.  There has been too much seepage and there is no stopping the collapse now.  

Arizona needs to realize the backlash against their truant actions is real and they need to come to terms with being a bad neighbor to other States as well as a Mexico that has received plenty of grief in the way of gun and weapon transport for the entire 25 year time over that border.  

A State does not have the right to imperil the 'good will' of the USA and its Department of Defense with 'military deployment' initiatives currently at work in Mexico to stop the "War Next Door."  Currently, the USA military under the direction of Secretary Gates and after the deaths of people affiliated with the USA State Department/Embassy has taken actions with the Mexican government to assist with the violence just over the USA/Mexican border.  For all we know, the deaths of those people might be associated with the actions of the Arizona Legislature.

Arizona is threatening the sovereignty of other States as well as interfering with State Department initiatives as well as interests of the Department of Defense.  Their actions are illegal in that regard, made unilaterally and are a threat to the USA national security.  The bill needs to be repealed.

Good night.