Friday, April 23, 2010

Raw milk is dangerous, but, industrial strength milk is heaven sent, huh? I don't think so !

The generational emergency that is burgeoning out of the corporate dairies could cripple this nation if we don't stop it.  Those children are handicapped for life.  For their entire lives they will have to be basket cases in regard to their daily meal plan.  Do you have any idea what is going to happen to the schools, public or private, with so many children suffering from these allergies? 
It is a disaster.  We should be grateful the American Pediatrician is as dedicated as they are ! 

GO ORGANIC !!!!!!!

Most of the milk from the dairy cows on South Pork Ranch ends up pasteurized — heat-treated to reduce the chance that the people who drink it will get sick.

But every month, 300 gallons of the milk are sold raw, much of it to about five dozen regular customers who arrive at the central Illinois farm toting their own containers to tap the creamy drink from a squat, stainless-steel vat in a room next to the milking stalls.

That choice has put the farm's owners, Keith Parrish and Donna O'Shaughnessy, at the center of a particularly American food fight between passionate defenders of personal choice and health officials who warn that drinking farm-fresh milk can be life-threatening.

The federal government and virtually all public health agencies oppose consumption of raw milk because it can carry dangerous bacteria including E. coli 0157:H7, listeria and campylobacter. Last month, 13 people in Michigan were sickened by campylobacter in an outbreak tied to raw milk sold at a northern Indiana farm....

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY. Observational studies have shown that allergic infants, irrespective of their type of diet, show various degrees of growth depression in the first year of life. The authors investigated whether the type of milk in the complementary feeding period (6–12 months of age) is associated with differences in the increase of standardized growth indices (weight-for-age [WA], length-for-age [LA], and weight-for-length [WL] z scores) in infants with cow's milk allergy (CMA)....