Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Washington Post has NOTHING that is alarming about Hasan. I could have put together the same presentation. There is nothing there.

"Fruit of the Loom." The question is who is fruitier Hasan or The Washington Post?

It is a presentation by a man attempting to have a major policy change to indulge his own desire. I could have gone on Google or Yahoo and put together the exact same presentation. There is absolutely nothing NEW OR ALARMING about any of it.

The Washington Post should stop throwing good money after bad to inspire fear mongering. I mean sincerely.

The USA military knows what it is doing. This is all Right Wing populous propaganda.

Where is the al Qaeda connection?

Where is the big plot? Where are the conspirators? The more this unfolds the sillier and sillier it gets.

There is none.

That is what is dangerous about Lone Wolves and all the inspiration they get from propaganda like this. They feel important enough to act when in fact they are so screwed up a jar opener can't get them straigtened out and productive within their own lives and value systems.