Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting the "Hasan Thing" right is vastly different than exploiting it for political gain.

...But he suggested one argument for premeditation when he told reporters that Hasan did not have any legitimate reason to be at the Soldier Readiness Processing Center last Thursday....

Nidal Hasan used his religion as a mask for an existence. He used it as an excuse for his life. He wasn't brave enough to confront life and accept his responsibility as a soldier in the USA Army. He was a coward in every measure of the word. It is the plague of a Lone Wolf and always will be. They have no validity to their 'empty' definition for breathing, except, to be a marter to their own pathetic values. He is no different than the gunman at the Holocaust Museum, except, he had access to a military instillation in a way that would be that of any officer.

Nidal Hasan was NOT a terrorist. Not even close. He was a man desperate to stay away from war and out of danger.

HE WAS A WOOSS. A CO and nothing more. Only cowards kill their peers while acting in violence. What he did that day was murder not terrorism.

What went through his mind that day at Fort Hood is still in question and I hope at first opportunity the USA Army finds out exactly what he was thinking when he pulled the trigger. It is 'that truth' that will faciliate expeditiously any change the Army needs to make to undo the infrastructure that nurtured him to that moment.

Nidal Hasan wouldn't have the guts to be a terrorist.

I am confident all the people at Fort Hood would agree, "Everyone, no matter their role that day were heroes."

When a military is functional, they move as one. That is what occurred at Fort Hood that day, they moved as one to secure their perimeter and defeat the gunman. They are tough as nails, INCLUDING, the ladies.