Friday, October 30, 2009

You want to talk politics? The Elections of 2010. What does the GOP have to offer, more of the same?

The Histrionic Sarah Palin is all over the place, filling her personal coffers while wavering on party loyality and seeking to 'influence' the vote into some kind of Conservative ideology.
We don't need to vote for ideology, we need to vote to support a President intent on solving the problems of the USA. Basically, Palin has become a 'free lancing lobbyist' for anyone that wants to pay for her attraction by the Right Wing.

Solving problems is nothing the Republicans know how to do. They create problems. For eight years we watched them at their worse and the only reason for keeping Bush/Cheney in office was because 'The Swift Boaters' played 'head games' with the American electorate.
The Republicans did not solve one problem this country had.

They ran up the deficit with the excuse 'We are at War' as their permission to FUND an economy. For a nation at war with escalating deficits with $87 Billlion in cold hard cash flown to Iraq on a C-10, they exploited the coffers chronically funding "Six Flags Over Lincoln." Yet when it came to providing programs for the poor there just wasn't any room in the budget.

The Republicans state, "There were seven years of economic growth." Sure there was and then all of a sudden everything imploded.

Sorry, folks, but when an economy doesn't sustain itself wasn't an economy in the first place.

They are the party of 'smoke and mirrors,' they are untrustworthy and if they are elected to office in 2010, it will be a return to recidivism by citizens that still believe they can recover an economy destroyed by the same party. It is ludicrous to realize people that practice policies that exploit and believe deficits can actually recover the USA. I suppose the 'Wealth Fare of 2008' was good for the country.

The Democrats 'balance' their legislation when it comes to funding it, something that is completely foreign to Republicans. They never live up to their promises. They simply manipulate facts during elections to create their own realities afterward while Americans squirm in their chairs and watch their expectations 'trashed' by Republican ideology and 'counter-intuition.'