Wednesday, August 12, 2009

That is not vandalism, that is a death threat. This isn't settling down, now is it? This worries me.

Sign outside the office of Rep. David Scott, D-Ga., is shown Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009 in Smyrna, Ga.

According to what I understand Representative David Scott held a town hall meeting with a predetermined agenda. He convened the meeting to listen to residents within his district regarding a road that was proposed that would ultimately dismantle their homes and businesses.

During the course of the meeting a physician came to speak to him about health care. Having knowledge of the loud and disruptive incidents across the country, Rep. Scott cut the physician short in his address of health care to state the meeting was deliberately set up to hear from people regarding the egregious road construction.

What has occurred since is more of the same anger that has been leveled at elected House and Senate members. In the case of Rep. Scott, he has already set up a meeting for this weekend regarding health insurance reform and has asked the physician involved to a beer.

I think that is all fine and good, but, the desecration to the office sign of Rep. Scott is a different issue, I don't see it at vandalism. To say that a Swastika is vandalism is like saying graffiti is only art. That is a poor assessment of the danger within that symbol.

The Swastika is a the symbol for White Supremists. They embrace it as a symbol of power and White Supremists kill. It is my opinion that they have disabled a conversation between the people and their government by using this sensitive issue as a platform.

Don't tell me that White Supremists and the KKK aren't alive and well, because they are. I am sincerely concerned for Representative Scott and what could be a death threat. I am so concerned I'll go to say his offices need to be moved into a secure building whereby visitors to his office need to walk through metal detectors to gain entrance to his office. And, NO, I don't believe that is an over reaction.

I'll go as so far as to say, this is not just a simple citizen uprising against a topic they don't understand or honestly oppose, but, I believe the topic of National Health Insurance Reform has been hijacked by extremists groups as a method of achieving their purpose. I make this statement in reference to the Homeland Security Warning earlier issued that has been very correct in predicting the behaviors of White Supremists such as the killer at the Holocaust Museum.

Witnessed yesterday on the route President Obama took to his Town Hall Meeting was an armed individual displaying his weapon. That is legal in New Hampshire, but, it is too close for comfort when the President is in town for discussions regarding a sensitive topic. That is brash behavior. That unnecessary behavior is a show of force. It was a call for others to openly arm themselves as well.

I have heard people freely state on Talk Radio that they hope this descent will erupt into a full blown revolution. These folks want the violence.

I believe Rep. Scott is a wonderful elected official and takes his commitment to the people of his district seriously while being very sensitive to ethnic cultures that could be changed with so called advancements such as roads. I am concerned for him. I believe he is in danger. I strongly discourage any further town hall meetings by anyone without proper security at the entrance to any room. Even then the numbers of angry people pose their own potential for danger.

In a town hall meeting by Senator McCaskill, I witnessed a complete break down in the confidence of government. Practically everyone in the hall stated they did not trust her regardless of her honest and forthright answers. It was a dangerous circumstance that she handled exceptionally well.

People don't want to hear the truth and what is best for the country. I have said this before. They won't hear you. Senator Spector ran into the same phenomena at his town hall. People came prepared with elaborate statements of authority and wished him ill will on judgement day. His answers were also honest and forthright, but, they were not the answers those folks wanted to hear. They wanted to hear, what they wanted to hear and nothing was going to change that, not even the truth.

I believe the circumstances are unfortunate as they exist between constituencies and their elected representatives. Not all those elected suddenly changed overnight into monsters with two heads and six eyes. The undermining of authority of the USA government is of 'the same tone' and comes from nearly the same voice.

I believe continuing the conversation is important if the truth is to be heard at all, however, there is an undertone of murder and death including the symbols such as the Swastika from hate groups such as the White Supremists and the KKK that cannot be ignored.