Saturday, July 25, 2009

Vice President needs to stop 'smoozing' Western Europe. Russia is not going anywhere and he knows it.

Biden said domestic troubles were the most important factor driving Russia's new global outlook.
Russia has been very smart since the Bush invasion into Iraq. They literally turned on a dime and walked away from any relationship with the USA. Putin's Russia has been building a global network of allies. Russia and China are both in the Western hemisphere. There is now direct threats of convention war with near border countries in South America. Who is anyone 'kidding' if they believe Russia is going to implode.
There is no way.
They are very savvy when it comes to managing their natural resources. Russia is stable and so are the people of that country.
Anyone believing Russia is weakening and dissolving is diluting themselves. Russia has never been this supported in a global venue. They have allies on every continent and within striking distance of any American instillation. Get real, okay?
Getting Western Europe to live in the real world is nearly impossible, evidently. Georgian leadership is dangerous. Time to 'get over it.'
The worst aspect of 'the Biden dialogue' is that it doesn't treat Russia as a partner so much as a victim. Russia is not a pathetic country like Georgia is.