Saturday, April 25, 2009

The moral suicide. Another warning flag.

Senator Grassley's Suggestion taken seriously?

The Los Angeles Times reports David Kellermann asked for vacation the day he hanged himself. With the granting of his request he immediately relegated his responsibilities to others within the corporation and excused himself from life.

Perhaps such sudden requests should be considered suspicious. I mean, don't most folks plan some kind of 'getaway.' I find his methodology of his demise oddly permanent. The 'gym equipment' would be able to support his body weight. The guy meant it. He sincerely thought out his last act.

Hard to believe there was no signs of his instability. And, yes, I do consider such drastic thinking as unstable. Which when realizing the power and influence he had raises a lot of questions. The first one beinging 'Does Suicidal Ideation actually bring about better results in a company?' Were people saying, 'I've never seen him so brilliant?'

Like what the hell happened here?

These leadership positions can't be so demanding that their 'occupants' feel as though they are at the end of their rope. It is a complete guess, and I am making it for the sake of 'experimental thought,' but, what if that 'pinnacle feeling' which is void of 'shoulds and shouldn'ts' is too overwhelming?

In other words, when finally achieving the status of CEO or otherwise, there is absolutely no one other than oneself to answer to and with a 'lost' parameter of a mentor it could prove to be a 'missing piece' of one's 'psychi' that could be fatal. Fatal not only to the individual, but, to the best interest of the company and its clients.

There is that, 'counter balance' to 'personality' that once gone by achievement SHOULD be the point of a personality's 'creative' ability. The launching point of perhaps genius. What I am speculating is the thought that David Kellermann 'lost his parameters' when he accepted the position last October. Was there 'elucidating' to his peers that would indicate he was 'operating' well within his new responsibilites OR did he actually accept the challenge of his demise by a verbally abusive Congressman? If there was 'hubris' within Kellermann's 'inner circle' regarding Grassley's suggestion, it should be brought forward.