Monday, April 13, 2009

I am taking a lenghty trip. A trip to save Earth. For the kids.

To herald the call of Human Induced Global Warming is quite another thing from actually seeking to change patterns of deterioration of our troposphere to save Earth for our children. It has been a focus of mine for a long time (click here).

I'll be traveling for about five days or so to reach a subtropical climate where a study is being discussed to start to understand how drought manifests in tropical systems, how it can be monitored and how intervention will take shape to stop the loss of any tropical carbon sinks. Tropical systems are especially sensitive to drought and react in catatrophic ways that result in desertification and profound loss of highly valued carbon sinks.

The USA is an incredible country, but, it is also greedy in its needs for energy and individual transportation. Besides demanding protections for tropical forests by their respective countries, we also have to be cognizant to new technologies that are currently valued by the USA such as ethanol and where exactly the biomass is coming from to manufacter such a product. To lose highly valued carbon sinks, such as our tropical forests, to greed merchants that seek to satisfy the American conscience by producing ethanol rather than bananas, cashews and coffee is completely reprehensible.

Americans need a change in vehicle to one that runs on electricity while appreciating the dilemma they are left with when alternative fuels become a reality to gasoline, but, cost them carbon sinks that will ultimately defeat their 'change.'

At any rate, saving tropical systems from drought and not greed merchants is my focus and to that I hope you all will understand my 'vacation' from the net and this blog.

I believe in President Obama and his cabinet. I believe we need to leave Iraq, seek answers in Afghanistan, bring bin Laden and Omar to justice for the events of September 11th. I believe the pirates of Somalia are an issue, but, can't be solved by war so much as protection from further attacks. War after all is a vehicle of al Qaeda, exampled by Iraq.

I wish all of you well, as I hope you wish for me. I will be back sooner or later and if I can I will post between now and my return. I am hoping to return to this blog about May 15th. Until then, keep the faith and check in with Michael Moore (click title to entry - thank you).
