Sunday, March 15, 2009

Why there can never be a TARP II and if banks want to return TARP I do it ASAP.

This posting on You Tube was also seen on Michael Moore's site (click here). Basically, the TARP funds were distributed without any form of regulation to the banking industry to save the nation's economy. That didn't happen and there are lots of reasons why that didn't happen and now they are talking about TARP II as of Friday. TARP II is supposed to be $750 billion on top of TARP I. There are better needs for those funds.

According to "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" (click title to entry - thank you), there are an average of 13.6 per 1000 women in the Detroit area of Michigan diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. The incidence for the State of Michigan is 12.9 per 1000 women.

In reporting deaths due to Ovairian Cancer the rate is the same throughout the State of Michigan, 9.1 per 1000 women.

What I find completely appauling about this You Tube video is that General Motor's Blue Cross and Blue Shield health insurance is forcing this young women to apply for Medicaid in order to receive treatment. There is no time to waste for this young woman. She is one of the unique people of a young age that is diagnosed with this disease. As a rule, reproductive organ cancers spread rapidly and if she was diagnosed early enough to receive chemotherapy she would have a better chance of survival once the primary tumor was removed.

General Motors is receiving Bailout funds, but, yet their health insurance can't see their way clear to cover a case of Ovaian Cancer in a young woman. Not only that, but she is forced to apply for Medicaid. Why bother asking any employer to supply insurance to Americans when they ultimately have to come to the government for payment of treatment one way or another?

Denying expeditious treatment by an insurance carrier, a hospital, a doctor or any entity 'that is a barrier' to care should be viewed as a human rights violation and mentally cruel treatment of a human being. When is the USA going to take responsibility for its populous and stop the cruelty of their health care infrastructure?