Friday, March 20, 2009

Pakistan rocket attack 'kills 10' - It is a civil war between the Taliban and Tribes

The next major global conflict has the potential to be here. I don't see the forces of terrorists winning and it will be the major nations of the region that will finally settle the 'hornets-nest' of Bin Laden.

The problems existing is to come to terms with protecting the tribes and Afghanis while eliminating the killing force of the Taliban whom have not come forward for expressions of peaceful intent. And what will Iran do? With continued movement toward escalation of its nuclear capacity will it chose to attempt to support terrorists while trying to hold its border with the Kurds, PKK and Turkey or will it participate in securing its border with Afghanistan and Pakistan to stop the growth of any ammunition trade with the Taliban and al Qaeda? India is more than willing to see an end to any terrorist influence and unrest, but, can it be done peacefully or will there have to be conflict to 'end it' and secure civilization from the remaining forces of dysfunctional and renegade authority?

Conducting aggression in this region to stop terrorists forever is a tough call. To escalate any attacks against the Taliban requires insight to the intentions of Iran while controlling pirates and ship traffic in the Arabian Sea. If diplomacy fails to stop the Taliban and protect tribes and the innocent civilians of Afghanistan and Pakistan will the Clinton State Department have secured the alliances of Russia, China, India and perhaps Iran to act responsibility to stop this insanity called al Qaeda? Russia is cutting its defense budget and China has been allies before with Pakistan in arming against India and the West. Its a tough row to hoe but, can it be done to end the domination of terrorist states in the region?

The lesson to be learned is that domestic protections against 'terrorist methods' is by far the most immediate and perhaps the best long term solution to another September 11th. It is why Secretary Napolitano is seeking to secure trains and buses while looking to the borders and ports for infrastructure security. Her department has to expand its personnel to insure more border personnel while Customs expands its capacity as well.

If the same 'road trip' made above was tried today, those trying to complete it would be killed by Taliban forces. The problem existing in Afghanistan and the tribal areas of Pakistan is taking a turn for the worse. In a picture essay below it is clear there are tensions 'created' by the Taliban. They are interested in killing off the people living peacefully among the mountains and cause the NATO and UN forces in the region a great deal of hardship and difficulty by controlling the main road used for supplies. It is why Russia has granted the USA access to the region. The problem with terrorist infiltration of the region is far worse today simply because they have gone unchecked for the most part.

Driving through the Khyber these days (click here for perspective from Winter of 2008) has gotten much more risky. There was serious fighting between the semi secular Afridi. like Yahya’s friends, and their more fundamentalist Taliban influenced neighbors. Scenes like the picture below are common now and unless things change dramatically I would not recommend driving through the Khyber Pass.

Tribal fighter at his post two feet off the main road. The compound he is guarding was attacked two days prior to our last trip to the Khyber