Friday, February 13, 2009

The air mass from the Arctic is rapidly descending on the USA West Coast. "Slamming" into the West Coast is more the word, actually.

One vortex leaves on the east coast and another arrives on the west. Okay.

February 13, 2009
UNISYS Visual Satellite (click on title to entry for 12 hour loop - thank you)

4 Hour Loop (Click here)

Big Storm Targets California (click title to entry - thank you)
Updated: Friday, February 13, 2009 2:42 PM
The storm that arrives on the West Coast Sunday will be one of the bigger ones in the series. This disturbance has potential to produce very heavy rain in California with flooding and mudslides possibly becoming a serious problem by Monday. In the mountains, snow will come down in earnest, piling up at 1 to 2 inches per hour. Total snow accumulations above 6,500 feet are likely to be in the 1- to 2-foot range.
In addition to the rain and snow, the coast and mountains can expect quite a bit of wind from this thing with gusts past 50 miles per hour possible.
This storm can also play a major role in the weather across the Central states and East next week.
Story by Expert Senior Meteorologist John Kocet.