Monday, October 13, 2008

Beloved pup's fate becomes international cause - click here for blog

A Soldier’s Guide to Female Soldier Readiness

So, let me see if I get this right. Women in the military an get pregnant if they want, but, they can't own a dog or adopt one.

I see. Adopt a guy rather than a dog. Right. Life long commitments to babies are okay in a battle zone, but, not dogs. That's insane. Dogs are not only good for companionship, but, they 'help.' Dogs are good entities to have around.

You know it kinda reminds me of the episode of the sleeping platoon that was visited by an Iraqi man on his way home. He passed by these Amerian soldiers sound asleep and when startled by the man walking by, shot him dead. The man was unarmed. Now, if those men had a watch dog, none of that mess would have happened now would it have?

You know. There are dogs in the USA trained to sniff out drugs and munitions and even cancer on the breath of their owners. Now, explain to me why this hideous set of circumstances seems to exist with Ratchet? Because I really believe there is dearly NOTHING the USA military can explain that makes sense here !

Dicipline? In Iraq? What discipline?

“I couldn’t have made it through this deployment without his wagging tail and understanding eyes,” said Sgt. Gwen Beberg, shown with Ratchet in Iraq. An animal group hopes to pick up Ratchet and five other pets this week.

A mutt named Ratchet has helped Gwen Beberg survive Iraq. Now, will Ratchet survive? (click here)

Last update: October 12, 2008 - 1:13 PM

...On Oct. 1, Beberg placed 6-month-old Ratchet on an Army convoy to the Baghdad airport, where he was to be flown to her parents' home in Minnesota by a rescue group called Operation Baghdad Pups. But the dog was taken away by an Army officer before it reached the airplane. Beberg's family and Operation Baghdad Pups officials now fear Ratchet will be shot....