Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I am far from finished today, but, I'll be back a little later.

Probably this afternoon.

North Carolina is the dumping ground of every undesirable industry in the world. Wilmington and New Hanover county is facing the 'instillation' of huge levels of environmental pollutants, with designs to build a concrete plant and now a uranium enrichment facility.

The politicans in that county are among the worst in the world. Don't care about anything except the money that lines their pockets.

There are fisheries throughout the region and North Carolina State government has worked hard to return the native osyter to prominence for the poeple that harvest them. When is New Hanover County going to stop being the pariah in North Carolina. It's a coastal community and has some of the worst water quality and fishery experts in the world in their local and county government. And now with idiots like Rosemary DePaolo in the chancellorship at UNCW the future of the North Carolina coast is in question. The former chancellor, Dr. James Leutze (currently Chancellor Emeritus), brought a level of expertise the region needed along with the authority to carry it out. It is a mess in New Hanover County, NC.

This stupidity in government for this county never stops. Its amazing.

NRC will hold meeting here Thursday on GE uranium proposal (click here)
Federal regulators are coming to Wilmington on Thursday for a public meeting about what GE Hitachi must do to win a license to build a uranium enrichment plant - specifically what it will do to protect public safety, worker health and the environment.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will field questions and comments during the meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday on the campus of the University of North Carolina Wilmington.
"Our role is to review the application for the technical programs the company has to protect people from radioactive and chemical hazards, and to do an environmental impact statement," NRC Senior Project Manager T.C. Johnson said Monday....