Thursday, May 22, 2008

FBI Concerns on Prisoner Abuse Ignored By Top Bush Officials

Waterboarding film by Amnesty International (click here). It isn't exactly as Bush described it in a news conference recently. The man is supposed to have a cloth over his face.

So the new updated version of waterboarding is simply attempted drowning. Of course this is all a surprise to the White House even though the CIA tapes have been destroyed. I wonder who 'thunk' this one up? Of course this is an 'authorized' technique according to the field manual. When in dought of getting results, try drowning the guy. The thought process must have gone like this, " know if we dunk them in the water, like bobbing for apples and make them inhale then it really isn't waterboarding, seems safer and we can't be held for human rights abuses, right?"

"They stick my head into the water and in the same time they punched me into my stomach so I had to inhale all this water." – Murat Kurnaz

Bush vetoes bill banning waterboarding (click here)

March 9, 2008
Bush veto keeps torture techniques on the board
Warwick McFadyen

There is no excuse for torture
US president George W Bush said today he vetoed legislation that would ban the CIA from using harsh interrogation methods such as waterboarding to break suspected terrorists because it would end practices that have prevented attacks.
"The bill Congress sent me would take away one of the most valuable tools in the war on terror," Bush said in a taped broadcast of his weekly radio address. "So today I vetoed it," Bush said. The bill provides guidelines for intelligence activities for the year and includes the interrogation requirement. It passed the House in December and the Senate last month.
"This is no time for Congress to abandon practices that have a proven track record of keeping America safe," the president said....