Saturday, February 02, 2008

American Troops don't want to fight this war. The American people don't.... a world of billions of people, the ONLY ones interested in fighting an unconsionable war are a handful of Neocons that found their way into the Executive Branch of the USA power structure and have fed their consitutency of promises through judicial assignments that undermine the USA Constitution, while Bush and Cheney seek through that access to promote more and more corrupt power. Sounds like Musharraf's mentor to me !

What came first, the coup in Pakistan or the planned assault on the Executive Branch of the USA Constitution? Oh. A Democrat I guess this is 'off message' - we should be focusing solely on 'the message of the candidates' and their 'control of the electorate.' "W"rong. As a country we should be focusing on impeachment based up on Human Rights abuses and the conscious abuse of government power which has resulted in complete degradation of the USA economy, both domestically and abroad.

While the Bush/Cheney White House seeks to 'blame' bad business AGAIN. The fault for this free for all economy of the USA is directly the responsibility of the 'deregulators' in the Republican Party that promoted corruption through spending programs designed to that end and the 'idea' that a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card awaited anyone darning enough to break the back of the American economy. Bush/Cheney floated their economy based on 'the hope' corruption would succeed 'enough' that no one would notice or CARE TO MAKE NOTE OF IT and the world would cooperate in being every American's oyster of personal profitability and early retirement.

Bush didn't see the need for the working class but simply the military class to export fiscal stability for any accessable global resource, allowing the 'wealthy class' it's 'maintenance allowances.'

....As I went through the process which led to my decision to refuse deployment to Iraq for the second time, I was torn between thoughts of abandoning the soldiers that I serve with, or following my conscience, which tells me: war is the ultimate in destruction and waste of humanity....