Friday, October 05, 2007

Earth's ability to 'cool' is failing - 12 hour loop click here

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October 5, 2007
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite GOES East

It has taken approximately 58 hour between the satellite image below and this current image to manifest two REVERSE circulation (anti-cyclonic) vortices. This is an extremely rare phenomena in the northern hemisphere. To have two anti-cyclonic vortexes side by side on either side of the Gulf of Mexico is absurd, but, none the less there it is.

This is very lethargic Earth system progressing, NOT because of the dominance of the NORMAL Jet Stream, but, because of the Coriollis Effect. In other words, BELOW 36 north latitude (where the Earth curves more steeply) the DOMINANT physics at work as nothing to do with NORMAL weather patterns, but, has ONLY Earth's rotation to progress it's weather and climate. Earth's climate systems are shutting down. There isn't enough water vapor in the troposphere to support strong weather patterns anymore.

One might add, this is exclusive to the huge carbon dioxide polluter, the United States of America. This phenomena is not prevelant anywhere else in the northern hemisphere. As a matter of fact there is currently a Super Typhoon-4 Krosa nearing China. Taiwan might be in it's path. I just realized that might be the case.