Sunday, September 30, 2007

The overall 'general wellness' of Americans is declining.

Excellant to Very Good general health escapes most Americans over 18 years of age.

Everybody get out of the chairs and from behind the steering wheels and WALK ! Do it as a family. Create good habits with your children.

From the survey:

In early 2007, the percentage of persons who had excellent or very good health was 65.9% (95% confidence interval = 64.47–67.27%), which was the same as the 2006 estimate of 65.9%.

From 1997 through 2001, the percentage of persons who had excellent or very good health remained similar at about 69.0%. The estimates generally decreased from 2001 to early 2007 (65.9%).

In Figure 11.1, since the year 2002, there is a steady decline in the overall wellness of the people of the United States of America. In Figure 11.2 it is clear there is over 35% of Americans with ONLY "Good to Poor" health. Among the rest of the nation, ONLY 35% are in excellant health with females in that catagory less in number than men. In every other category females rank slightly higher than males, be it Very Good or Poor.

Figure 11.3 shows a very bad trend in the USA. The majority of Americans ranking in Excellant to Very Good health are the young below age 18. It's a darn shame there are such low percentages of age 18-64 (which is a very wide spread for this category) with high levels of wellness. It is undertandable the populous age 65 or greater would have the lowest percentage in this category, but, I still have to wonder why. It would seem to me, given age related changes, the optimal health for older Americans should be just as good as any other segment of the population.

In Figure 11.4, CONSISTENTLY, there is disparity in minority Americans compared to their White counterparts. This has to be directly related to the availability of health insurance to access the health care system. When I looked through these national statistics, it was very clear to me there is a level of neglect of so many minority members of America there is no turning away from that reality. Statistic after statistic, the minority American is at far greater risk due to lack of access to health insurance than any White member could be.