Friday, September 07, 2007

Conrad: B-52 Mistake Won`t Reflect Poorly on Minot

The Air Force Chief of Staff said the Minot Air Force Base probably won`t be in trouble for the long term because of last week`s flight of a B-52 bomber loaded with nuclear weapons.

Minot airmen mistakenly loaded a B-52 bomber with six nuclear warheads, and sent them to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on August 30.

The warheads sat there for 10 hours before airmen discovered them loaded to the advanced cruise missiles.

Senator Kent Conrad said he thinks this mistake will not shine a negative light on the Base and its search for more missions.

"I don`t think it reflects on Minot Air Force Base at all," Conrad said. "I think this reflects on the command and control structure in the Air Force. I don`t think it has any adverse effect or reflection on Minot Air Force Base."

General Mike Moseley told Congressman Earl Pomeroy the incident is likely to result in personnel changes at the Minot base and more training safeguards.

In case no one recognizes it, this is incompetency. It is at the highest levels of our military command structure. There needs to be people removed from their positions including the Commander and Chief. These are loose nukes, people!!! When was a complete inventory conducted on these weapons because there are minimally four nuclear warheads no one had a clue about? Where are the others? Bush can no longer point a finger at Russia stating they are not in control of their inventory, because, neither is the USA. Impeach Bush and Cheney. NOW !
America wants more of the same from Giuliani? A president that believes in 'hands off' management of our Executive Branch. One that is already seeking to outsource cabinet level positions to regional authority and funding. Giuliani might be good a making the stop lights on NYCity streets work in coordination to prevent grid lock and placing overwhelming police power on every NY City corner that leads to dead immigrants, but, he is NOT qualified to lead this country !