Saturday, August 18, 2007

...tomorrow is another day...

I'll put some articles up tomorrow from around the globe, probably afternoon and then address an issue Sunday night. Basically, anyone paying attention knows the USA and it's role in the world is in shambles. the exception might be it's role in providing support for the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. No matter the subject, where the benevolence of the USA lacks it's obvious and under a Neocon executive branch that means benevolence lacks at every turn.

There isn't anything going well in Iraq. The USA is failing miserably to provide for the stability in the region, is making enemies with most of the nations there, while those naitons take extremist positions in confusion as to what to expect next.

A full 11 million people of Iraq, nearly half the country is in poverty, refugee status or dead, while Bush and his generals wonder why the area countries are opposed to the continued involvement there.

The USA response to the crisis in Iraq is never a 'Cease Fire' to benefit the people and a chance the violence will quell with lack of USA aggression or the American presence of overwhelming force. As a comparison, Vietnam was a guerilla war, yet 'Cease Fire's' were arranged and honored many times. Never once has that been attempted by Bush/Cheney or their generals. They have not even begun a peace process with any entities in Iraq and the result is unrelenting and escalating violence begun by USA Commanders killing innocent civilians from the very beginnings of the war in March 2003. Bush/Cheney and their USA commanders caused this war, it's 'civil' nature and it continues to grow. This has to be the USA's 'final hours' in Iraq for the lack of competency that is obvious.

The response to recent frustration by the USA leadership in Iraq is to send 'sorties' with bombing runs to every reach of Iraq that Bush's Surge cannot influence for it's lack of effectiveness. Iraq is about the size of Texas and there are huge amounts of bombs, bullets and munitons used in that country, including those tipped with 'depleted uranium' that sends Geiger Counters off the scale and White Phosphorus causing devastating injuries of civilians. That is another issue, the USA knows full well the condition of their living troops returning home with missing appendages, rattled brains, traumatized thought processes; but the reality is there are longer term effects of this war yet to be realized because of the use of depleted uranium in Iraq. Those long term effects are also a reality for the people of Iraq.

The USA does not belong in that country. It does nothing to improve the humanitarian crisis as increases in war methods only escalates the Civil War and suffering. The 'victory' to nation building the Republicans are seeking has to come last to realize the profound suffering and humanitarian crisis this illegal war has brought to the populous of Iraq. That is daughting compared to the casualities of the civil war and Bush's political warring. The Patreaus 'insurgency' approach is far too late and far too insufficient to justify continued war against the people.

The humanitarian crisis outweighs anything else and to realize there is containment of this crisis to primarily Iraq without dramaticly desperate exporting to neighboring countries is a statement of sincere leadership of Iraq's neighbors and their ability to oppress and stop instability within their own borders. That screams at me as an authority the USA has never been able to match and the primary reason the region has to be 'in control' of Iraq and it's resolve.

The leaders of neighboring nations have been able to insure their populous internal peace and prosperity while huge chaos reigns in Iraq. The American presence in Iraq is completely out of control and profoundly deadly. It's an outrage the Bush/Cheney administration isn't asked one question by the media regarding the humanitarian crisis and it's priorty as well as any candidate for president. The ONLY focus about Iraq's future is 'the state of war' and not the condition of the populous of Iraq and it's genocidal characteristics. The 'complaining' of Bush/Cheney, their administration and generals is always about the questionable roll of others crossing the borders that kill Americans rather than how to end the suffering of Iraqis. This executive branch sees an unrelenting war for profit so long as there are no dead Americans. "W"rong again. Besides the wide spread and unconscionable humanitarian crisis, the USA treasury and it's burden to 'bad leadership' cannot continue to oppress the opportunity of Americans of future generations with 'no vote' in this matter.

To move on, the weather patterns around the globe are toxic to life and currently there are processes at work in the Atlantic that will reach as far as Seattle, Washington before they dissipate. Tropical Storm Erin never stopped it's dumping of storm waters until nearly half the country was effected, the result ceased in the northwest where drought and fires still blaze.

Every nation and state needs to prepare for the effects of a hurricane known today as "Dean." Floyd had a diameter of 500 miles bringing torrential rains and flooding to land an entire 24 hours before the 'eye' arrived. That reality has to be adhered to as well by the people that are supposed to protect lives anywhere coming close to the path of "Dean."

Well, with that said there is much ground to cover tomorrow. Until then...