Sunday, August 19, 2007

John McCain is a great American. No one can take that from him, except the underhanded politics of Bush.

I could never today vote for John McCain as at one time I could have easily. He has moved to the far right in an attempt to be president, but, in doing that he lost many that believed in him including Independants, moderate Republicans and Democrats. He longs to be involved with war in the Middle East as a political tool at home, without a strong diplomatic effort and as a result will simply be carrying Bush's follies forward.

That is the last thing the USA needs and certainly nothing the Middle East does. The process of peace in the Middle East is so lost it will take a new dedication of hope that most certainly Bush has openly destroyed with his chronic war chants. The world has come to expect violence, empty promises and irresponsible denial in response to global crisis from the USA. We need a president that will lead in a new way which exudes an openness and willingness to solve problems rather than create them.

In the picture above, Senator McCain is attending a ship lauching with Bush. The champagne bottle was handily leveled by Susan Collins. There is mention of her as a Vice Presidential candidate with McCain. It would be an interesting pair, but, it wouldn't interest me anymore than before.

Basically, McCain is like any other Republican these days; stamped out of a Bush Dye Cast and willing to carry on Bush's legacy while giving up his own identity. I just don't see it. John McCain knows better than to invest in wars without purpose and Iraq has no purpose. It is not a matter of simply clearing the way for a return of diplomacy. It's a matter of demonstrating it, through efforts like mutual nuclear disarmament with Russia as impetus to stop the ever escalating nuclear proliferation being sought by India. At one time the USA's word was good enough, but, not anymore. American under Bush has brought the world to the brink of global war. That is a reality and not a myth. It will take much more than promises and good will to win back all we have lost under this administration and quite frankly McCain was as much the problem as Bush and to that end, the 'hope' of changing direction of not only Iraq but global reputation of the USA is lost with McCain.

Domestically, all his legislation has either been defeated by piers or trashed by the Robert's court. It has added to his illegitimacy as a candidate and it's nearly impossible from this point to reverse that reality. I don't see John McCain winning the Republican nomination. I don't know if he would accept Vice Presidential. I would think not.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. John McCain said Sunday his support for immigration changes hurt his presidential candidacy because people were not convinced that it would secure the border.
"The immigration issue has caused me some difficulties with our base," the Arizona Republican said.
The failed immigration bill supported by McCain included border security measures and a guest worker program and would have legalized many of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S.
McCain has since endorsed a plan that would tighten the borders, but not include a guest worker provision.
But he said his campaign, which has been weakened by multiple resignations and poor fundraising, is regaining its footing.
"We are back on town hall meetings, and enthusiasm is there. And we're going to be just fine in my campaign," he said. "Every campaign has its ups and downs."...