Saturday, July 14, 2007

We all know what liars and suprisers ANY Bush nominee is for ANY position.

James Holsinger, nominated for surgeon general, told senators he would quit before yielding to any administration pressure to suppress scientific data.

There is always this stupid agenda to covet the American uterus by these idiots. They have no right to stand in the way of any Civil Right of any American citizen and their lifestyle. NONE !

There is absolutely no justification for religious pressure to bear on political candidates. Boycott the churches at the 'pocketbook' if they continue to attempt to dictate government policy. They understand tithing. Your 'belief system' does not belong in my bedroom !

Separation of Church and State? (click here)
Abortion advocate wants IRS to probe bishop who criticized Giuliani
Providence, Jun 19, 2007 / 11:16 am (
CNA).- A leading abortion activist has filed a complaint with the IRS in an attempt to silence Bishop Thomas Tobin, who said he could never support Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, who believes abortion should be legal.
In his May 31 editorial in the Rhode Island Catholic, the bishop of Providence, Rhode Island, called the former New York mayor’s pro-abortion views "pathetic," "confusing," and "hypocritical."
"Rudy's explanation is a classic expression of the position on abortion we have heard from weak-kneed politicians so frequently in recent years: 'I'm personally opposed to but don't want to impose my views on other people.' The incongruity of that position has been exposed many times now," Bishop Tobin wrote.
The bishop said Giuliani’s views lead him to think of the “sad figure of Pontius Pilate … who personally found no guilt in Jesus, but for fear of the crowd, washed his hands of the whole affair and handed Jesus over to be crucified.” ...