Saturday, May 19, 2007

Oh. One other thing. Vladimir. Non-Proliferation.

I would hope there would be endorsement in special considerations at The World Bank of any measure of Non-Proliferation. The Russian President Vladimir Putin offers the world a viable option to 'uranium enrichment.' It should be nurtured in ways that add monitoring through the IAEA in conjuction with incentives the bank could make.

A marriage of a Non-Proliferation initiative to ANY and ALL countries is paramont to disarming the globe from this hideous agenda now decades out from Hiroshima and proven to be worthless. There were two instances of nuclear weapon use in the past six decades, it's time to secure the world away from it while moving into methods of energy that will ultimately eliminate the need for it's energy as well.

It is my hope the new French President (noted above with PM Blair), Nicolas Sarkozy’s love of peace; which is vastly becoming a cultural permanence in his country; would lead the way to nuclear disarmament of all five legal nuclear nations. It's an easy path, but, one difficult to begin. Something tells me the French can be an inspiration to all nations when they find their footing with their new President.