Sunday, February 11, 2007

Ethanol fuel

Ethanol fuels are in competition with food sources currently used by The First World and in humanitarian aid to the Third World. Although ethanol has been a proven success for Brazil, there is limited capacity for it's use in the First World simply because much of the Third World relies on countries like Russia, China, the EU, Australia and the USA to put food in their mouths.
Now, China has taken an interesting stand in that they will seek use of 'biofuels' while not utilizing grains for fuel. China has a over a billion people to support, that is completely understandable. The First World countries have limited their populations and extended humanitarian aid to the world in support of countries without the resources to even feed and medicate their people.
Ethanol is a place where the USA has to go to find it's way out of the maze/maize of fossil fuels but it not a sustainable fuel source for a large investment if Earth is to remain vital to life. It is a good source for an 'interim' investment but not long term. Ultimately, the First World has to answer it's carbon dioxide emission problems differently.
In order for the USA to continue to the path of ethanol based fuels there has to be alternative answers to the issue of Humanitarian Relief. I think I have interesting answer.
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