Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Korean Peninsula has a gorgeous and dramatic history. Very violent. Very sophisticated.

The unique aspect of geography is that it is a 'science' of political dynamics little appreciated. Geography and Earth's formations have been used by humans since the beginning of time to survive. Castles in Europe demonstate the great diligence of lords and kings to place their fortresses in places that were remote and isolated and easily defended by any attack. There was little diplomacy in many of the 'eras' of human society so much as brute geography and domination.

With the advent of the telephone, the imposed Nuclear Era there became a 'need' to have a mechanism to settle international disputes before they started. The survival of humans turned from domination to understanding and cooperation and peace. That priority was paramount until this USA Administration currently holding power over the American people. This Bush Administration and it's cooperative and corrupt Senate and House has reverted the priority of peace into a slang word, replacing it with a Culture of Fear that repels peace in exchange for so called National Security. It's a faux for an administration of crime and exploitation exposing CIA agents and buying and selling government authority as in the Abramoff influence peddling scam.

So, to realize brutality is again a force on Earth is to realize how very small Earth actually is with the capacity of misguided Secretary's of Defense researching 'Bunker Buster Nuclear Weapons' while believeing the lies of his President regarding the world's dangers.

Peninsula - a portion of land nearly surrounded by water and connected with a larger body by an isthmus; also : a piece of land jutting out into the water whether with or without a well-defined isthmus

With the understanding of peninsula comes a deeper understanding of defensible borders open to trade by ships from foreign ports. In the case of the Korean Peninsula and it's history the further south one lived the more secure the society from the warring tribes of Manchuria.

The absolutely gorgeous history of the Korean Peninsula is a rather an incredible trip realizing the beauty and peace Buddism brings to a society allowing social growth toward sophistication.

The interruption of the Korean Peninsula starts with the aggressive years of Japan of the entire Asian continent and the oppression of the cultures there and the rise of Confucian government.

The unification of the current Geo-Political map of the Korean Peninsula should be entrenched in returning it's proud and sophisticated heritage to dominance as an impetus to bringing the both the North and South to common ground. The archeology alone of this entire peninsula is a magnificent venture into human developement toward sophisticated societies yet found anywhere else in the world or the orient for that matter.