Friday, May 05, 2006

Cheney has no regrets over Iraq invasion

May 5, 2006.

"Cheney the sore loser." THE KING of Open Market Competition holds a grudge against Russia in every speech he made. The Open Market Principle ONLY applies when Cheney personally profits from it.

Riot act: United States Vice-President Dick Cheney delivers a speech to Baltic leaders during a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, on Thursday. In one of Washington's sharpest rebukes to Moscow, Cheney accused Russia of using blackmail and intimidation in its energy policy towards Europe.

From "The Guardian"

Three years into the war that has come to define the legacy of the Bush administration Dick Cheney, the vice-president, has said he has no regrets about the decision to invade Iraq.

Mr Cheney's refusal to admit to doubts about going to war highlights his isolation from an administration which has demonstrated a degree of candour about Iraq, as well as the rest of the country where only 37% approve of the White House's handling of the conflict. Mr Cheney has even less support; his approval ratings have dipped below 20%. But in an interview to appear in June's Vanity Fair magazine, he remained a picture of certitude.

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