Saturday, April 29, 2006

Corruption is evident in most wars by the USA

Vietnam was no different.

In it's feeble attempts to 'dominate' the globe the USA practiced nation building.

Nation building is an artificial presence of American will where the void to real leadership existed. In other words the countries we have found conflict, in causing incredible loss of life, both ? enemy ? and American, was due to corruption valuing 'empty' value systems of Western Origin rather than value systems of their native culture.

If you know anything about Buddism then you know there is no possiblity there would ever be any advocation of war by the people that practiced same. The oppression of the Buddist in Vietnam was paramount to Western influence and a call to war OF the South Vietnamese. The South Vietnamese mlitary failed after years of grueling Western influence.

A similar parrallel exists throughout history where the USA has 'gone to war.'

Composition to follow:.....