Saturday, January 14, 2006

.... the year is 2007




International Deaths Realized

The feared epidemic has arrived. In Tehran, there has been deaths of thirty people in the last 24 hours and more are being admitted to the hospitals at a record pace. The surrounding countries are sealing their borders, but, admittedly there has been border crossings long before the massive outbreak had started. There are admissions to other area hospitals, in Baghdad, Jordan, Damascus as well as an unexpected outbreak at a seaside town at the Caspian. Global shipments of any products out of the area is being scrutinized.

The authorities at the CDC and WHO state there is no vaccine available. However, an obscure genetics company in Iceland states they have a cure. A sugar cube laced with a genetic component stated to stop the virus for 14 days. Long enough to defeat it's spread. The United Nations Security Council is convening this hour with representatives from Iceland and the WHO.

Breaking news to follow.