Saturday, July 02, 2005

Gosh Let's Not Think of this as War

War of Words

I am pleased that Brooke was able to articulate her feelings before her depression was so bad she acted on it.

The Baby Blues are experienced by most women after their child is born because of the huge shift in hormones within that short span of time when neither the baby or the placenta need support. Hormones are a form of steroids. Then to think the female body is ready to supply lactation for an infant is an amazing capacity that again requires a shift in hormone (steroid) balance.

The next degree of severity is Post Partum Depression and then Post Partum Psychosis which was experienced by Andrea Yates. We all know her case has been reviewed and the physician she was seeing is very much at fault for Andrea's condition post partum of her infant girl, the fifth child I believe.

I also believe at this point Andrea is taking five different medications successfully. But this is not about Post Partum Psychosis.

I am pleased that Brooke did what she felt she needed to do. I am more pleased it worked for her.

At the same time there are alternatives to 'medicines' and in my opinion there are studies that have been done in England that shows a better treatment for some of these issues is supplemental injections of estrogen until normal levels are reached and maintained.

I've looked at this subject somewhat extensively.

In understanding Western Medicine, which supplemental treatment of estrogen is, from Eastern Medicine one cannot say that a 'specific' treatment regime will work for everyone. Personally. I think the best thing Brooke did was to enter into weekly visits to a psychiatrist while on the medication to be sure she was working on overcoming those feelings. I am confident her husband was a part of her recovery as well. So to say the medication alone recovered her is not exactly accurate and women with these terrible feelings and thoughts should never be without a good support system. It's not their fault and having a child is a life changing event for any couple.

The science of psychiatry has an interesting beginning and it is actually rather crude. Many of the medications were found 'by accident' to work on extreme conditions like schizophrenia when they were actually developed for other conditions of the body. So, I don't find it odd that most people don't know the history of psychiatry and for someone who has a belief system that steers them away from conventional Western medicine it is understandable how one might state a concern for someone they sincerely care about who.

I think Tom Cruise sincerely cares about the Post Partum Depression of Brooks Shields and cares about her, but, he comes from it from a different view of the world and that is okay. Just as there are failings of Western Medicine so there are failings of Eastern Medicine and at no point in time should anyone feel one direction is the only direction and in some cases or should I say most cases a blending of the two has the best results. The 'talk sessions' are as much Eastern medicine as otherwise and the emotional support of parents by those who love are as well.

Good Karma.

Lovely editorial, Brooke. I am sure there are many people who have taken heart at your success. Thank you kindly and best life has to offer you and your family.