Thursday, April 14, 2005

Moving on a Virgin

conti2005 - 7:21 PM ET February 4, 2005 (#29556 of 41194)The Revolt and the Revolting - - In God I Trust, Everyone Else I Monitor

Governor Richardson needs to file suit against the BLM.

Keeping Out of the Otero Mesa

It is just that simple.

Bush has little 'sex' in his life according to his 'lump in the bed' poetry (which was a fraud and never written by him) however, he continues to 'enjoy' fulfillment by raping wilderness and killing endangered species as if they were 'death sentenced' prisoners.

He does this for pure pleasure to prove how far oil and gas exploration has come and like the Alaskan Carbou every species on Earth will benefit from a deep oil/gas well every ten feet on land they inhabit.

There is little here to debate.

Bush is trying to 'pork' New Mexico for the sake of doing it and rather than 'rolling in the hay' from some 'spiritual satisfaction' in the arms of a woman he rather take his turn at every available drop of oil for the sake of cronies who enjoy activities such as $250,000 per plate 'District of Columbia Oil Baron's Ball.'

FILE THE LAWSUIT Governor Richardson, today is not too soon. You'll get no cooperation from the Oval Office.

Bush is an obnoxious and offensive 'little man' who has an ego that no one can satify but only allowed to admire. Just do it Governor Richardson, Bush never gets over the idea of 'moving on a virgin.'