Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Morning Papers - Continued...

The Moscow Times

No More Free Flats for Many People
Oksana Yablokova
Staff Writer
Ushering in new rules that promise to change the way people live, a Housing Code came into force Tuesday that abolishes free apartments for scores of people in need of better housing, bans unauthorized apartment remodeling and allows residents of apartment blocks to turn to private companies for communal housing services.

Gorbachev didn't have to deal with terrorists from inside the government. The rise of the Oligarches happened with the advent of Perestroika as well. Perhaps Mr. Gorbachev and his foundation has recommendations. All of a sudden Gorbachev speaks and Putin leaps to attention. Right. It would be nice to recieve insight and constructive suggestions rather than just judgement.

Gorbachev Calls Putin's Policies a Step Back
The Associated Press
Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev said Tuesday that Russians must do their utmost to preserve democracy, and he criticized a number of President Vladimir Putin's policies as a step backward, in some of his sharpest words yet about Putin.
"I think we must do everything to ensure that democracy doesn't backslide, that it is preserved," Gorbachev said at the presentation of a report by his foundation commemorating the 20th anniversary of his pioneering program of perestroika, which caused the first cracks in the Soviet empire.

The Bratislava Summit had all the charm of a search for Anastasia. Russia could use a good dose of history, romance and pagentry.

I thought the recent visit to Slovakia, President Putin stressed compliance by Russia for the WTO. What then is all this rhetoric?

Bush Will Again Press Putin Over Democracy
By Steve Holland
WASHINGTON -- U.S. President George W. Bush will raise again Washington's concerns about the direction of Russia's democracy after tussling over the issue with President Vladimir Putin last week, senior U.S. officials said Monday.

Supreme Court Opens Door to Better Rules
By Mikhail Fedotov
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Most people don't pay much attention to the distinctly nontraditional figure of Themis that adorns the pediment of the new Supreme Court building on Povarskaya Ulitsa. But in a plenary session last Thursday, Russia's highest court of general jurisdiction adopted a resolution that gave new meaning to the sculptor's deviations from the accepted norms for portraying the Greek goddess of justice.

When Cultural Codes Prove Deadly
By Yulia Latynina

Last week, the Prosecutor General's Office charged a Chechen man extradited from Belarus, Kazbek Dukuzov, with the July 2004 murder of the editor of Russian Forbes, Paul Klebnikov.

Ukraine Detains Gongadze Suspects
By Natasha Lisova
The Associated Press

Gongadze seen in a photograph taken in August 2000, a month before his death.
KIEV -- Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko announced Tuesday that authorities have detained suspects in the slaying of Heorhiy Gongadze, an investigative journalist whose gruesome death became a symbol of the corruption and violence that tarnished the rule of former leader Leonid Kuchma.

New TV Channel Inspires Chagrin, Not Pride
By Irina Petrovskaya
To Our Readers
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All we ask is that you include your full name, the name of the city from which you are writing and a contact telephone number in case we need to get in touch.

Zvezda, the new patriotic television channel that is quite literally continuing the best traditions of the Soviet Army, began broadcasting on Feb. 22, the eve of the national holiday honoring the defenders of the fatherland. Apparently, someone longed to report to the top brass, "Comrade Minister! Our mission is complete!"

Live Up to Your Words, Gentlemen
Discussion of democracy -- the state of its health in Russia in particular, but also in the United States -- dominated the public remarks of the two presidents in Bratislava. Democracy also was a main topic of discussion during their private meeting, they both made a point of saying.
That is a lot of talk about democracy from two men who have not always shown the highest regard for its guiding principles, and it produced some awkward moments as they responded to journalists' questions Thursday.

Court Rules Against MT in Eural Trans Gas Lawsuit
The Moscow Times
The Moscow Times has lost a defamation suit filed against it by Hungarian-based gas trader Eural Trans Gas over two articles published in November 2003 and June 2004 that questioned the company's possible ties with Ukrainian-born crime lord Semyon Mogilevich, who is wanted by the FBI.

The New York Times

Court Takes Another Step in Reshaping Capital Punishment
Published: March 2, 2005

After a decade of relative quiet, the Supreme Court has in the last several years fundamentally reshaped the nation's capital justice system.

2 Members of Hussein Tribunal Are Assassinated in Baghdad
Published: March 2, 2005

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Wednesday, March 2 - A judge and a lawyer with the special tribunal that will try Saddam Hussein and former members of his government were shot and killed Tuesday by gunmen outside their home here, Iraqi officials said.
