Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The United States of America Shamefully Contributes 25% of all CO2 emissions

The Biggest Carbon Dioxide Polluter on Earth Posted by Hello

It took Russia's President Vladimir Putin to approve of Kyoto and have the Russian Dumas pass the final legislation in November 2004. Kyoto takes effect Spring of 2005. In recent meetings in Buenos Aires the United States seeks to undermine Kyoto by stalling success of these countries until Kyoto expires 2012. It is getting very late on Earth to save it's Ice Caps and Ice Fields. Their lifespan has been reduced by one half since the vortexes showed up in the troposphere October 4, 2004.

The decision by Russia to participate in Kyoto was not an easy one. They participate in a very effective space program. It contributes to the overall CO2 load for Russia. An example of what Russia faces not only as a government but as a nation of people.

On April 25, 2003 there was a space flight carrying inside not only a Russian cosmonaut but a USA astronaut. The lift-off occured at 10:50 pm, EST, while the world watched at this record setting event in cooperation of the two nations.

The CO2 recorders at Mauna Loa Observatories were at work when the lift-off occurred.

In Barrow, Alaska

At 9:30 pm the CO2 recorder registered .0335 volts.
At 11:59 pm the CO2 recorder registered a record high voltage reading of .0415.

That is a dramatic example of the increase of CO2 in the troposphere resulting from Human Activity as the Russian Spacecraft flew over Barrow, Alaska on it's way to the stratosphere. Russia is wonderfully engaged in the daily events of Human Drama that calls for prudent and benevolent policy to protect lives and reverse the trend in Global Warming and the deadly weather patterns and warming of Climate Change.