Tuesday, June 11, 2024

DOJ under attack.

To begin McConnell (click here) denied Merrick Garland a place on the Supreme Court, so the political right wing has to prove he is a lousy AG.

Then every thread of anger the political right initiates along comes Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch to weigh in. In all honesty Fitton has become another “My Pillow” guy for the likes of FOX News (the Trump fixer network) and manufactures information for Trump World.

It is amazing to watch. The DOJ sends out an email about all the great accomplishments of the department and the very next email I receive is Fitton with another outrageous claim and/or FOYA complaint filing.

He prides himself as a strong man, literally. He must take steroids. He is muscle flexing all the time! Both within his legal ability to file meaningless FOYA complaints and his hours at the gym.

I think his favorite claim is, “The DOJ has been compromised!”

At a Cabinet Meeting sometime AG Garland should ask the other departments if their hate mail, phone calls, and letters has increased over what is normal or average in past administrations. I think the AG will find out his department is not alone in receiving harassing hate behavior. There are probably repeat offenders the DOJ can silence with harassment complaints.

And last, but hardly least, Lady Justice is actually at work within the Rule of Law under AG Garland in that Trump and his minions are being brought to justice for January 6th. That is no minor accomplishment when considering how seriously close the legislators came to real bodily harm that day. The Republican Senators, lead by Cruz, hid in a supply closet hoping never to be found. That is called fear.

But, prosecutors are being successful in obtaining law enforcement against a former USA president. It firmly proves no American is above the law.

Some of the DOJ accomplishments are quite astounding and making progress with real gun control.

I am sure they are prepared for the upcoming elections. The right political wing has been hard at work limiting voting rights and access. They have moved primary dates to OBSTRUCT President Biden and Vice President Harris from being on the ballot. Under Trump’s party leadership, which is now a Trump Anti-trust issue with his family running the entire party, there is real danger to a legitimate election in November 2024.

It is going to be a very long Election Day which will be months long in securing a true expression of the wishes of the American people. It is a shame what one man has done to this country all in the name of greed and the power affiliated with it.

I appreciate AG Garland and the DOJ. They have gone forward without fear to conduct the hard work demanded by this democracy. I sincerely thank the AG and the magnificent people of the DOJ, FBI, and all the agencies that fall under the AG’s gaze. 

Great work, all of you!