Monday, May 03, 2021

The EPA is correct in bring "no tolerance" to hydrofluorocarbons.

May 3, 2021
By Lisa Friedman

Washington - The Environmental Protection Agency (click here) on Monday moved to sharply cut down on the use and production of powerful greenhouse gases used in refrigeration and air-conditioning, part of the Biden administration’s larger strategy of trying to slow the pace of global warming.

The first significant step taken by the E.P.A. under President Biden to curb climate change, the proposed regulation focuses on hydrofluorocarbons, a class of man-made chemicals that is thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide at warming the planet....

...But the speed with which the E.P.A. crafted language and moved forward with the proposed regulation is unusual and underscores the urgency that the Biden administration is placing on climate change, said Francis Dietz, vice president for public affairs at the Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute, a trade group.

These ozone-replacing gases should have been under control a long time ago to prevent global warming. President Biden is moving quickly to do all the work no one else bothered doing. These gases should not exist in manufacturing anywhere on Earth.

The list cannot stop here. The next biggest offender is methane. It has to be brought under control, including capping wells and ending leaks. Has to happen.

The EV (electrical vehicle) market MUST TAKE PRECEDENT. There was a report I read that said the USA will run out of gasoline this summer. No surprise. Peak oil was in 2005. No one bothered to tell the public they are living with gas engine cars and trucks on borrowed time. 

It is time for a major shift in personal transportation to EV. There are going to be people that fall off the car market altogether. What are they going to do about work and commuting? This is a major paradigm shift that will cause unemployment simply because people can't get to work. They bought the dream of living in suburbia. Wrong-way to go. 

For two decades I have advocated high-speed rail from coast to coast. Where is it? Anyone take that seriously? The only city in the country that has bothered to support living in the Burbs, is Boston. They have a commuter rail that most people working in Boston can take not far from their homes. Where has everyone been?

There needs to be more extensive mass transit. Any working American should have the option of getting on a bus to travel to the rail service.

Time to get real and only 100 days in office and Biden's EPA is moving quickly in the right direction.