Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Justice Department investigation...

 ...of a wealthy donor to Donald John Trump provides a window on these donors. It boggled the mind as to why these reasonably successful people would support and vote for Trump.

The new Attorney General needs to continue those investigations and any relationship with foreign powers.

The donors have reasons to support Trump that are harmful to national security. Anyone attempting to influence such an American for president is suspect of “compromise.” Compromise of both domestic and international dynamics.

There is no way any lawyer can deny Donald John Trump has compromised the USA during his four years. That has to be a high priority to end, including Russian oligarchs with deep pockets wanting economic connections to the USA. Oligarchs are not needed in the USA, they are laundering money while providing jobs to unwitting Americans. The Russian invasion needs to end. No oligarch is an independent investor, they are owned by Russia. At least China is transparent about their ownership of their wealthy.

The compromise MUST end. Prosecution may or may not resolve the problem.