Saturday, September 19, 2020

The public needs to write to their Senators.

If anyone recalls the failed attempt to repeal Cavenaugh’s nomination, it started a poor, white man interest in the elections. I fully expect Trump to announce a controversial pick that will spark a rise in objections by women.

This is about placing the nominee at confirmation hearings after the election when a government is seated by the people. There will be a change in some elected seats, including the US Senate, therefore the only moral path forward is to wait until next year.

Leadership needs to set the tone and expectations for the nominee process. The focus should be on the timing of the actual nomination in regard to the election. 

Americans need to write to their Senators to end the process until after the election. The actual nominee is not the issue. The issue is the immoral and ruthless determination by McConnell and Trump to taint the court by political appointees rather than the will of the people. 

This decision by Trump and McConnell demonstrates the ruthlessness they carry out as an act against the will of the people.

Americans need to continue to remain calm and see this for what it is, a political power grab the people do not want. They can best address this ruthlessness at the ballot box.