Sunday, August 23, 2020

I think we need to pay attention because I know we haven't in ways that matter.

It's Sunday Night

How is it that a woman can turn a flag into a bathing suit and it is a patriotic fashion, but, burn the flag and it is sacrilege? How do those two extremes come out of the same country? How does that happen? Why do I get the feeling that when white men make the social rules, there is always a double standard?

Take a good look at that video by "Iced EArth?" Betcha you didn't. Take a look at the audience? Betcha you didn't. 

"Iced Earth" is an American band. Perfecting hard rock, metal and all it's offspring is not easy. Metal bands, headbangers are very competitive and it is not easy to win the game in this branch of entertainment. I say this because the audience to this band is completely Caucasian. Now, I know no one in the audience would say they are bigots. They are there to hear the band.

I have been noticing a couple of things about our American society that has to be cleaned up. Now, I am not going to say all the bands in the country MUST reflect the diversity, but, its something that needs to be worked on. Real change is going to happen when the USA addresses the deeply seeded cultural differences in a way that removes differences and instills pride in diversity and inclusion.

Get this one.

This is (click here) a "Notorious Civil War General" Major General Daniel Sickles (also known as "Devil Dan") an Amerian politician, soldier, and diplomat frequently shopped at the store (The store of C.O. Bigelow Apothecaries). Evidently, the general was the of 1863. 

Now, do I think this is offensive? You betcha. Who cares about a defeated general in the Civil War to merchandise a popular soap product? I love Bigelow's products. I especially love the soap. It really lathers and cleans the skin and without harshness afterward. 

This is called evidence of careless handling of the American society that allowed hatred to seep into the pores of the American people without them even realizing it. After the Civil War ended there was a bringing together of a broken nation and Abraham Lincoln was more interested in acceptance and peace and embracing the black man as an American than propagating more division. However, in that peace and acceptance also came hate and Abraham Lincoln was assassinated because he wanted the black man to vote. Voting is necessary to bring people from a community to register the grievances of the people to change the course of the future to alleviate the suffering and ostracization of any American.

I don't want people getting so upset over these issues they need to go out in protest immediately and set an American flag on fire. That isn't the point. The point is our society as it stands today has a lot of soul searching to do. I think letter writing achieves such goals. Also, being part of a movement for government change through elections achieves them, too.

We must pay attention and we must push back.