Thursday, November 14, 2019

Deval Patrick Announcement Video (click here for official website - thank you)

Another Democrat? What? 

Former Governor of Massachusetts Deval Patrick is not just another Democrat; he was a great governor. BUT. The most interesting part of this announcement is what he didn't say and how he has spent his time since being Governor or Massachusetts.

Patrick complicates Warren's message, (click here) because of his particular fund's focus on positive social impact.

I disagree, Governor Patrick's work at Bain Capital validates the work of Senator Elizabeth Warren. The American people will find a man that is dedicated to providing a new way of walking for Wall Street, a social fund that actually looks at improving investment through a conscience that infuses the need for social change.

I am not calling Governor Patrick a Wall Street miracle, but, he has been able to move Bain Capital in a way no one else has in creating an investment fund with a social conscience. In that is Senator Warren's message that there is something really wrong with the oppression of Americans through the way investment wealth has been used to maximize profits at the cost of THE PEOPLE.

Welcome Governor Patrick, it is getting more and more interesting every day.