Thursday, May 23, 2019

The president is complaining he doesn't get respect from the US House or Speaker Pelosi.

Who respects them?

Who respects Speaker Pelosi?

McConnell is priding himself for being the "Grim Reaper" because he makes every bill in the US Hosue die in the Senate.

The US House committees have asked for records and they don't get them. Instead, there is a court fight at every turn.

Now we find out another child has died in the custody of the USA at a detainment camp, in a cage. That is a cover-up. There is no other word for it. Could it be that the Republicans, including the president, simply can't live with the truth?

If the people want this country to move forward they need to eliminate Republicans from the US Senate in 2020.

I imagine the day the bills from the US House begins to pass in the US Senate and the committees receive their documents and there are no more lies about what is occurring at the US southern border, things might change when it comes to respect.

If the president wants respect he needs to provide it along with the US Senate.