Thursday, August 16, 2018

If Trump is willing to punish critics, what occurs in any reward for speaking in advocacy of Trump's policies?

This action is part of a broader effort by Mr. Trump (click here) to suppress freedom of speech & punish critics. It should gravely worry all Americans, including intelligence professionals, about the cost of speaking out. My principles are worth far more than clearances. I will not relent.

This is a two edged sword regarding freedom of speech and punishment to suppress it. We know Trump seeks punishment, as if the country's Daddy, to those he does not like and speech he is not pleased with, BUT, what occurs in the opposite realm?

I think we see that a lot with FOX and Trump's best friend, Hannity. There is definitely an understanding between the FOX News outlet and it's commentators that Trump can do nothing wrong. 

I think he stated during his election that if Russia found the 30 thousand emails he believed necessary for his victory, " would be rewarded mightily by our press." So, Trump has this concept down when it comes to favorable and unfavorable press dialogues with the country. Trump is attempting to silence critics because he already has FOX News as a lap dog and he is still receiving criticism.

I think the concept of rewards and punishments are all part of his strategy to manage HIS REWARDS OF POWER. It is vital people, like former CIA Directors and others. be part of the national dialogue. It is important to critique the White House policies. That critique can be very harsh and rightfully so. This President has brought this on himself. I sincerely believes he thrives on hate and this is all part of his dysfunctional personality.

I might add it is the right of any American such as former CIA Directors and others to participate in their democracy and to MAINTAIN that democracy and PROTECT that democracy.

The media of the USA has an obligation to bring the truth forward to the people, especially when there has been such a concerted effort to end the truth in reporting by Trump for some time now; ie: The Birther issue, etc. Truth is a premium and finding GENUINE AMERICAN TRUTH has value. I still think Americans need to subscribe to local and national news media and stay abreast of THE TRUTH. The USA is a democracy that runs on choices by the people and Russia has found a way to harness that to it's benefit. We have to end it. The truth is vital to our democracy and those that carry the truth to the people are great Americans.

One aspect of the investigations and trials taking place is a growing awareness of the ability of countries like Russia to use the USA free market to launder money. How widespread is it? Both domestically and abroad. The Steele Dossier (click here) is a wake up call. I think Americans and their allies need to begin the process of eliminating the money laundering of communist leaders and business persons/oligarchs. I think the money laundering is a sincere problem, occurs under the radar and needs to end for the sake of our democracy.

-Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance

I think it was a heck of a lot longer than 5 years and became an intricate method of conducting business.