Sunday, March 11, 2018

The greatest political leader of the modern USA has to fall to Hillary Clinton.

For centuries, (click here) we suffered losses of incalculable talent and potential genius that have been wasted because of taboos against women. Their work and contribution have been recently and in hindsight quite late, given the accreditation and acceptance that they deserved. This list comprises of some of the most revered names of women in academia, literature and other fields. Some of the brightest mind that graced the surface of the earth, these women have raised the bar of average human intelligence by pushing at the boundaries of it with all their metaphorically-pumped brain muscles! I have dived into the tunnels of history as well as gone through the latest of information to formulate this list of extremely intelligent high IQ women of the world. Here are the names that will make you wonder the capability of the human mind....  

Long before her ambitions for the presidency or even Secretary of State she was opening up the avenues for people to lead their country. Everyone should admire her. It is what brought the world to the side of Bill Clinton as well. They shared the same values. They saw human rights as a hurdle to a country's success and it begins with the youngest among any nation of people.

The US peacekeepers, healers and visionaries.