Thursday, September 07, 2017

Un appears to have scientists without insight to the power they unleash.

There was a significant amount of land disturbance. North Korea has proven to have an unreliable missile system and now it is playing with power it has not measured to minimize the disturbance to a 'testing' magnitude. This is simply unleashing power. This is not even a controlled outcome.

All this testing is very sloppy and Un needs to realize his science is uncontained. He could cause unreliable outcomes and has to come to terms with adverse outcomes to even his own people.

He needs to stop his testing of both explosive power and missile testing. The science outcomes have to be predictable when testing is done. Testing is supposed to reflect the perfected science, not trial by error. This is not good science and Un is endangering his own people as well as the region. I have always stated North Korea's best defense is strong allies in the region. This testing is more proof of same.

September 6, 2017
By Hannah Lawrence

Kim Jong-un’s hydrogen bomb test(click here) triggered a series of landslides in North Korea, new satellite images suggest.

They were generated at the Punggye-ri military testing site where the secretive communist state conducted an underground detonation in tunnels below Mount Mantap over the weekend.

The country’s sixth nuclear test caused “more numerous and widespread” disturbance than their previous five tests, according to analysis group 38 North, who released the images earlier this week.

The test caused a 6.3 magnitude tremor, followed moments later by a 4.1 magnitude quake.

They led to fears that a rock over the test site had caved in, although 38 North said the images appeared to confirm this was not the case.

The group did say the images suggest disturbances had taken place “beyond” the test site of Punggye-ri....