Tuesday, August 29, 2017

US Rep. Ron DeSantis wants an ARBITRARY limit on the investigation lead by Former FBI Director Mueller.

The United States International Trade Commission statistics regarding length of investigations (click here)

I could understand how Rep. DeSantis wants to end the investigation before his re-election, however, there is nothing to that limit besides politics. I am surprised DeSantis is this corrupt. He has such nice credentials up to now.

I chose these statistics in particular because the Russian investigation involved trade issues. So, the statistics are the closest; unless Director Mueller has his own; that match this particular investigation. 

The Russian probe has to go forward regardless of Congress' temper tantrums because it is about NATIONAL SECURITY. It is why Director Mueller even consented to conduct the investigation. It is about the country. It is why he assembled the experts that he did. This is about the country and there is no elected official that should see it any differently.