Wednesday, February 03, 2016

My point of view:

President Obama is choosing to visit the Islamic Center of Baltimore to speak to every Muslim in every corner of the world. He is especially reaching out to young and impressionable people. He is stating on a broad and public scale that he understands Allah and his people.

It is a matter of bringing those estranged by a false prophet home to their Islamic leaders that worship the real prophet.

President Obama probably thinks the visit is long overdue and it could not take place at a better time. 

Why a false prophet?

One example:

The intolerance of Christians. Mohammad accepted Jesus Christ as a prophet. Jesus Christ is not Allah and no one is pretending that is so. That would be false. But, currently al Baghdadi, the Saddam Ba'athist, kills Christians without a second thought. He brutally kills in heinous methods. There is no way al Baghdadi is an Islamic prophet. He is more like Satan than any other power within the conscience of the mind.