Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hillary Clinton is absolutely correct. Lives of unarmed African Americans will not be saved by changing hearts.

Her tone was spot on. 

I empathize with the African Americans that brought facts to the questions they asked, but, they needed to be told in a tone of voice that was more emphatic to have them realize there has to be structural changes within the way the USA carries out the laws of this country. It's not going to happen with "Pretty Please."

Hillary Clinton has a very good record on minority issues and she is definitely on the side of those people that spoke with her. She is anxious and willing to make the changes necessary in the USA to end the senseless deaths of African American men and women. I have a great deal of confidence in her willingness and ability to carry out the needed changes.

The "TONE" issue is laughable and very, very typical of a prejudice against women. 

Why are women suppose to have a tone of voice that will sing lullabies to babies? President of the USA doesn't simply put babies to bed in HER capacity to handle the country's problems. I am quite confident Hillary Clinton can sing lullabies to her grandchild with the best of grandmothers. I am not interested in having her put people to sleep at the State of the Union Address.