Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Does Hillary Clinton know how to spell sexism?

She has been treated differently than any other government official within the same status as she and has been singled out for repeated attacks by Congress.

The statement has been made every email within government is classified. I think it was Bob Woodward that made that statement. If that is the case, then the investigation into all of Congress and the Executive Branch and the Supreme Court needs to be carried out. 

If the former Secretary of State is being attacked it has to be aberrant emails then the rest of government and the investigation has to be involved in discovering any pattern and/or aberrant practices. 

See, Rep. Goudy wants all sorts of hearings regarding the Clinton emails when he doesn't have the authority. If the government can't prove Hillary Clinton was malicious in her behavior when there is no proof to the governance of anyone else to such a degree regarding emails, they haven't got a case. 

It's sexism plain and simple. 

The rules apply to everyone. It is the burden of the US Justice Department to prove the use of private emails by Hillary Clinton was malicious and willful. She has already stated it was convenient. That is not malicious. She was interested in performing her duties expediently with a private server. She sought to enhance her performance in her role as the Secretary of State, that isn't malicious.  

There was not an explicit, (click here) categorical prohibition against federal employees using personal emails when Clinton was in office, said Daniel Metcalfe, former director of the Department of Justice’s Office of Information Policy, where he administered implementation of the Freedom of Information Act. High-level officials like Clinton need the flexibility to sometimes use a personal email, such as responding to a national security emergency in the middle of the night.

Hillary Clinton never violated laws of the USA. She had status to carry out her duties as necessary. There isn't anyone else that can pass judgement on that when any of her activities were secure and lacked malicious content.

She is being singled out for attacks. Knock it off. Goudy needs to conclude his Benghazi committee and put forward information to the US Justice Department for any infraction in the law. The fact is Secretary Hillary Clinton had far more power during her years in the Executive Branch to carry out her job than Mr. Goudy could ever have.

Enough said. If the harassment of the former Secretary by the media doesn't stop the campaign has an obligation to end it through legal action. The attacks are malicious with intent to defame, including the frequent appearances of Gouty at FOX News.

I don't really give a fly about what 'disturbs' the media about Hillary Clinton, stop the sexism! 

Oh, one other thing. The disturbing reality is THE PRIVATE SERVER was more damn secure than .gov. There has to be real damage to the government before people can call up laws. There is no damage. There is no crime. She had the RIGHT to run her department as she saw fit. 

8/18/15 @ 5:51 PM
Hillary Clinton states, "I had a personal email just like other high ranking government officials did."


I think the Snap Chat account was a great comeback. She needs to stop addressing the email issue. It is harassment and she can't get her message out. At the Iowa State Fair she was asked one question and it was about emails. They may as well be asking when are you going away and not coming back. She has to stop addressing those questions as the US Justice Department should be addressing this during a press conference.